Thursday 5 May 2011

Day 0 - We're here

Right on queue, just as the train pulled into the delightful little seaside town of St. Bees, no town is too large, and village too small, henceforth it shall be known as a tillage (or vown if you prefer) ; the heavens did exactly what you'd expect and proceeded to dump 30,000 liters of chilly Atlantic water on my bald little head.

Fortunately the builders of the Albert Hotel had the amazing foresight to put it about 5m (although I expect they thought in yards) from the station,shrewd were our Victorian ancestors. From the outside it looks a bit Dodge if truth be told but inside is a whole different kettle and goodly pleased was I upon being told we've got two plush twins as opposed to the attic singles expected. And they've also knocked three quid off the price which I think it only right I go and spend in their bar right away, it's the polite thing to do!

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