Sunday 15 May 2011

Day 9 - A woodland walk

Reeth to Richmond really is a doddle, even the sun came out (for almost 60 seconds). We quickly located the nuns steps just outside Reeth (pictured below) which is a stone path laid from the village Marrick down to the priory although I think it was put there so those nuns with dirty habbits could nip up to the pub, without getting dirty habbits, if you get what I mean.

Having avoided the stampede of cows who were having some sort of strop after being moved to a different field and the scary tea room in the village of Marske there was a steep climb to Applegate scar,although there weren't any apples, gates or scars.

Through Whitecliffe woods and you're practically in Richmond. It's probably the biggest place on the entire route and is a bit of shock compared to the sleepy two horse villages so far (Note to city folk - horse : quadraped common to these parts,notable for their lack of a sense of humour and inability to sing in tune).

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