Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day 12 - Dazed and confused

I don't really know where we are in the great scheme of things - I think we're somewhere near Middlesborough ; I also don't know when it is - not sure of the day of week as we've walking for what seems an eternity and its all a bit blurry ; date wise I'm sure it's late teens - it's definitely still May.

Osmotherly is a most recommended place,particularly the Golden Lion - it's just been refurbished and the rooms are spanking new,and the food has got to be eaten to be believed (it's not cheap mind but boy is it good). Breakfast was however shambolic but you can't have everything.

We left following the recommended shortcut back to the way and I was most pleased to see a microwave relay complex at the top of the hill (as those who know me will attest I become skittish after being away from high technology for any length of time). Naturally I attempted to gain access utilizing Sherpa Kerrs BT pass but they had the good sense to provide two layers of barbed wire between me and the card reader - next time they won't be so lucky.

It was an excellent days walk as the coast to coast path joins the Cleavland Way which takes you through stunning bluebell filled woods and then up to breezy Moor tops with quite frankly stunning views of Yorkshire 360 degrees around.

There is much upness and downess towards the end of the day which is a little draining but the discovery of "Lord Stones Cafe" (you'll need to Google it) was a revelation in itself - more crumpets vicar is all I will say.

As we arrived at Clay Bank top a car pulled up and as the passanger window was wound down I was ready to flee thinking Kidnap attempt  but the enquiring voice asking "are you staying at Dromonby Hill Farm" was miraculously serendipitous for in fact we were. Squeezing in with our fellow b&b-mates proved awkward for reasons thrice : 1. There were 4 passangers and out landlord driver Dave in an ickle biddy motor 2. Sherpa Kerr and I are hardly what you qwould call on the small side and 3. & most importantly  we had not been properly introduced!

Said B&B is eclectic ; in fact it's downright odd. Its a massive building with rooms that were fitted out late 50s by the look of them, but it's quality furniture that wouldn't look out of place in Brideshead ; in fact the whole building wouldn't look out of place as film set - although I fear the film would be "Carry On running a B&B" - I will report on the morrow as to what happens but I think this will be one of the more memorable places I stay in :-)

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