Saturday 14 May 2011

Day 8 - Riverside ramble

Totally different landscape now,gone are the evil up and downs of the lakes to be replaced with gentle riverside scenery featuring ducks and ducklings and literally trillions of really small rabbits.

CThere are also quite a few dead rabbits and judging by the number of empty shotgun cartridges all over I suspect that they weren't suicides (rabbits lacking the manual dexterity to operate the weapons). We did have a little bit of moor top to navigate and I foolishly disregarded the signage about the ground nesting birds as I was repeatedly mobbed by Lapwings who had misinterpreted my bumbling along as some preemptive strike on their nests. It's their own fault though given they have 450,000,000 hectares on which to nest but choose to put them on the 4 square meters around the C2C path.

Arrival in Reeth was nice and early at 4 ; it's practically a city what with 3 pubs and a fire station no less. Giant pizzas were scoffed although it was a bit of a late night bar wise as they seemed to forget to shut are eleven - such are the ways of the country. Tomorrow we're off to Richmond in Yorkshire - a veritable Metropolis, Rumour has it they even have a Boots!

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